Slovakia is a little country in the middle of Europe. The capital city is Bratislava and it is located on the biggest river in Europe, the Dunabe. Another dominant part of this state is the High Tatras. They are a popular location for tourists as for locals. It's a great place to go hiking, skiing or to make a trip with your family. Not interested in a tour? Don’t worry! We have much more. Demänovská ľadová jaskyňa (Demänovská Ice cave) is one of the oldest caves in Europe. Bukové Pralesy – Hvešová (Primeval Beech Forests -Havešová) is a beautiful peaceful place worth trying!

Spiš castle is one of the largest castles in central Europe. The castle and culture monuments around it are on UNESCO World Heritage List. Bardejov, Levoča and Banská Štiavnica are Spišský hrad (Spišský castle) is one of the largest castles in central Europe. places worth visiting because of history. Vlkolínec is a village. The first written mention of the village came from 1376. It’s one of ten Krása. a village. The first written mention of the village came from 1376. It’s one of ten Slovak villages that have been given the status of a folk architecture reservation.

If you like adventures places you have to visit: Park tmavej oblohy - Poloniny (Park of dark sky – Poloniny) the first light waste -free park in Slovakia Studený gejzír - Sivá brada (Cold geyser – „ Grey beard“) located near Spiš castle . Water around creates a small „lake“. Mysterious mountain Tribeč (Tribeč) surrounded by creepy unsolved stories which was inspiration for a book and a film.

Something Sweet

The most typical slovak desserts are definitely sourdough rolles filled with cocoa and sugar or poppy seeds. You can eat it for breakfast or just like a dessert. A strudel is similiar to a sourdough roll, but the taste is different and the dough is different as well. The strudel is made from a puff pastry and it is filled with apples, nuts or poopy seeds. Steamed buns are favourite for children. It is also from the sour dough, but it is the main meal. You can fill it with chocolate or jam and we like eating it with the chocolate and butter on the top. That is so delicious that you have to try!

Slovak Traditions

One of the most interesting traditions is Easter. We are very religious country, so during Easter we go to Church almost every day. On Easter Sunday, the whole family meets for lunch and spends the day together. Easter Monday is associated with bathing or sparkling with water and whipping girls and women. Girls are expected to give boys a painted boiled egg, which is called „kraslica“ or candies. In Slovakia, we also celebrate the first May. May is called the month of love so in the past, boys built a decorated maypole with colorful ribbons in front of houses where a girl they liked lived. Maypoles are still upright on the square of a town or in the middle of a village.
In summer during Midsummer Night from the night of June 23rd to 24th young people burn bonfires on the hills overlooking villages and jump over them, singing and dancing.
Slovakia is a very rich country when it comes to traditions. Our tradition may be weird for other countries but we love them. Christmas and New Year ́s season is the most beautiful time of the year. Christmas dinner begins with wafers and honey that means to be healthy. Then we continue with a carp that we keep in a bathtub for a few days before Christmas. We keep a carp scale because we believe that it will bring us a good luck and wealth.
Then the carp is fried and is served with potato salad. Afterwards we eat „kapustnica“ which is sauerkraut soup and ,,bobaľky“ that are special poppy seed dumplings. After a dinner, we open our presents and then we go to sing Christmas carols to our neighbours from house to house.

Slovak Cuisine

Every corner of the world has its own cuisine. So our Slovak cuisine is historically known mainly for pork, beef and chicken meat, flour, potatoes, cabbage and milk products. Bryndzové halušky is one of the national dishes in Slovakia. This meal consists of halušky - boiled bumps of potatoe dough similiar to gnocchi and bryndza (a soft sheep cheece) sprinkled with cooked bits of smoked bacon. Another national dish is called Pirohy. That can be sweet or salty. Cabbage is very popular, so our national soup is cabbage soup or soup made of sauerkraut with sausages (in Slovak language called Kapustnica). We do not use a lot of spices. Our cuisine is traditional, so we cook as our grandparents and great-grandparents cooked. Our ancestors cooked from what they had in their yards (because we were relatively poor country) or they bred animals so they used their products and ate a lot of meat.