Tecuci is a city in Galați County, Romania, in the historical region of Western Moldavia. It is situated among wooded hills, on the right bank of the Bârlad River, and at the junction of railways from Galați, Bârlad, and Mărășești. It has 34871 inhabitants, being the second town in the county. Our town has got a great cathedral named St. Gorge. Built In 1938 The Cathedral Saint George (Sfantul Gheorghe) Is A Large Orthodox Church Located Downtown Of Tecuci City.

The Tecuci Town Museum was established in Tecuci, Romania in 1932 based on the private collections of Mihail Dimitriu and Constantin Solomon, in a building donated by Teodor Cincu. Until 1934, the museum was housed in the building of the local commercial high school. In 1934, the museum acquired the archaeology collection from Mihai Dimitriu, the first custodian of the institution, and a coleoptera collection belonging to Professor Alecu Alesînschi (lost after the 1965 reorganization). In 1974, the museum heritage was enriched by archaeological finds coming from the campaigns of 1926 - 1951 undertaken by Professor Radu Vulpe and Ecaterina Vulpe in the site of Poiana-Nicorești (Piroboridava) until then kept in the deposits of the Bucharest Institute of Archaeology. The present building is a monument of architecture built in the second half of the 19th century. The exhibits include pottery from Neolithic (axes, knives, hand mills, and pottery belonging to Cucuteni and Criș cultures), from the Bronze Age (Monteoru culture pottery), the Iron Age (food vessels); jug bearing god Dionysius' mask, Dacian ornaments and weapons deposits (4th - 3rd centuries BC), the gilded bronze hoard of Callatis (3rd century BC), glass pot bearing a Greek inscription (4th century) etc. The museum owns goods listed in the National Cultural Heritage Treasure. The building housing the museum, which dates to the late 19th century, is listed as a historic monument by Romania's Ministry of Culture and Religious.

In 1925, the people of Tecuci have built the very first statue in the world in memory of the hero scouts. “Tecuci Scouts Cohort "Oltea Doamna" is one of the oldest parties of its kind in the country. It was founded in 1915, the purple scarf was its distinctive sign and had 150 members. Its leader was E. Ovid Gheorghel, the commissioner of the Galati county, and the instructor was V. Berheciu. Among the associate’s supporters were the political persons Alecu P. Anastasiu, Nestor Cincu, Ionel Georgiade and others. The remaining testimonies from the scouts are very impressive. The association substantially contributed to the national consciousness creation, an essential factor in the historical times, when the identity and independence of a nation is in danger. Since 1992, scouts from different areas of the country (about 20.000 in 26 years) have arrived to Tecuci where specific the organization activities have taken place, but also artistic events, fun sports activities, and obviously the swearing-in ceremony.