Çanakkale Science High School
Çanakkale Science High School is an institution that provides education to both boarding and day students. Çanakkale Science High School is in the top hundred in Turkey ranks, in the top ten in Marmara region and in the first in Çanakkale province. 418 students in our school education located in the zone of 2% success in Turkey. The majority of our students have an English language level of B2. Our motto is "Success is Our Tradition". Our mission is to educate the students at the highest level at national and international platforms.

Our school staff consists of a school principal, three deputy principals, thirty-six teachers, a health worker, five school services personnel, a school officer, two cooks and two cafeteria staff. Four of the teachers have a master's degree in their field and two of our teachers are still doing graduate studies.

In our school there are nineteen classrooms, an information technologies, a chemistry, a biology, a physics laboratories, a music room, a painting workshop, a geography class and a guidance service, a conference room, a library, a sports hall, a football and a basketball pitch, a volleyball and a tennis court, a fitness center, a health unit and a cafeteria. The schoolyard includes a social facility with a cafeteria and various event workshops.

Our school has been chosen as “nutrition friendly" school.